The Regulator Social Housing has released their long awaited Sector Risk Profile 2022.
They are calling for significant agility within organisations and to ensure that they have clear priorities, some of which will require compromises to be made, as associations need to remain reflexive in the current economic environment.
Join us in a discussion based session on Monday 24 October 2022 at 12pm. But before that, take a sneak peak at what we will be discussing.

Key themes include:
Tenant Safety and delivery of landlord services
Listening to, and engaging properly with tenants
Significant investment in existing portfolio to remain a priority
Sector reputation remains a priorty
Building safety and decarbonisation commitments
Sector reputation still a cause for concern
Development of new homes needs to remain a priority
Tightly managed investment portfolios a must in these turbulent times
Clear focus and accountability on policy changes
Robust stock condition data
Fiona McGregor stated in an earlier press release that “providers need to ensure that they take a strategic approach to managing the significant risks”
There is a clear directive from the regulator, that providers must continue to take a strategic approach to managing the significant risks and act appropriately to maintain their continued financial viability. Boards are reminded that they are the “custodians of people’s homes, and it’s absolutely vital that tenants’ homes, safety and the delivery of essential landlord services are not put at risk”.